

lua-ChartPlot allows to create images of some simple graphs of two dimensional data.

lua-ChartPlot will plot multiple data sets in the same graph, each with some negative or positive values in the independent or dependent variables. Each dataset can be a scatter graph (data are represented by graph points only) or with lines connecting successive data points, or both. Colors and dashed lines are supported. Axes are scaled and positioned automatically. Each data could be associed with a tag/label.

lua-ChartPlot is a port of the Perl5 module Chart::Plot and Chart::Plot::Tagged.

lua-ChartPlot is built on top of Lua-GD, the Lua binding of the gd library.

See also

Some examples generated by lua-ChartPlot are available on


lua-ChartPlot is in beta stage.

It's developed for Lua 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 & 5.4.


lua-ChartPlot source can be downloaded from Framagit.


lua-ChartPlot is available via LuaRocks:

luarocks install lua-chartplot

or manually, with:

make install


The test suite requires the module lua-TestAssertion.

make test

Copyright © 2019-2024 François Perrad

This library is licensed under the terms of the MIT/X11 license, like Lua itself.