

A middleware must use the namespace Spore.Middleware and follow this caveat:

local m = {}

function m:call (req)
    ... something useful

return m


This middleware implements the authentication for Amazon Web Services, see the ref doc.

This middleware requires luaossl.

This middleware should be loaded as the last middleware, because it directly sends the request.

local client = require 'Spore'.new_from_spec('amazons3.json', {
    base_url = 'http://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com',  -- the default is http://s3.amazonaws.com
client:enable('Parameter.Default', {
    bucket = 'mybucket',
client:enable('Auth.AWS', {
    aws_access_key = '0PN5J17HBGZHT7JJ3X82',
    aws_secret_key = 'uV3F3YluFJax1cknvbcGwgjvx4QpvB+leU8dUj2o',


This middleware adds a header authorization in the request.

client:enable('Auth.Basic', {
    username = 'schacon/token',
    password = '6ef8395fecf207165f1a82178ae1b984',


This middleware adds a header authorization in the request.

client:enable('Auth.Bearer', {
    bearer_token = 'vF9dft4qmT',


This middleware implements the authentication for DataPublica.

This middleware requires luaossl.

This middleware should be loaded as the last middleware, because it directly sends the request.

local client = Spore.new_from_spec 'https://raw.github.com/SPORE/api-description/master/services/datapublica.json'
client:enable 'Format.JSON'
client:enable('Auth.DataPublica', {
    key      = '356a192c7813b04c54574d18c28d46e6395428ab',
    password = '30d87add92e7b27ce4',


This middleware adds a header authorization in the request

The nonce retrieved in the response to the first request is stored and used by all following requests.

This middleware requires luaossl.

client:enable('Auth.Digest', {
    username = 'Mufasa',
    password = 'Circle Of Life',


This middleware adds a header authorization in the request.

This middleware requires luaossl.

This middleware should be loaded as the last middleware, because it directly sends the request.

client:enable('Auth.OAuth', {
    realm                  = 'Example', -- optional
    oauth_consumer_key     = 'key',
    oauth_consumer_secret  = 'secret',
    oauth_token            = 'accesskey',
    oauth_token_secret     = 'accesssecret',
    oauth_signature_method = 'HMAC-SHA1',


This middleware encodes the parameter payload and decodes the body of the response.

This middleware adds the header accept and the header content-type when payload, with the value application/json.

client:enable 'Format.JSON'


This middleware encodes the parameter payload and decodes the body of the response.

This middleware adds the header accept and the header content-type when payload, with the value text/xml.

This middleware requires LuaExpat.

client:enable 'Format.XML'

client:enable('Format.XML', {
    indent      = '  ',
    key_attr    = {
        tagname = attrname,

The function to_xml( table [, options] ) is also exported by this module.

local to_xml = require 'Spore.Middleware.Format.XML'.to_xml

print(to_xml(payload, {
    indent      = '  ',
    key_attr    = {
        tagname = attrname,


This middleware encodes the parameter payload and decodes the body of the response.

This middleware adds the header accept and the header content-type when payload , with the value text/x-yaml.

This middleware requires LYAML.

client:enable 'Format.YAML'


This middleware set some parameters with default value.

client:enable('Parameter.Default', {
    state = 'open',


This middleware forces some parameters.

client:enable('Parameter.Force', {
    format = 'json',


This middleware handles HTTP proxy.

client:enable('Proxy.Basic', {
    proxy    = 'http://proxy.myorg:8080',
    username = 'john',      -- optional
    password = 's3kr3t',    -- optional
client:enable 'Proxy.Basic'     -- uses HTTP_PROXY=http://john:s3kr3t@proxy.myorg:8080


This middleware supplies a local cache (implemented with a weak table).

client:enable 'Cache'

Note: This middleware uses only URL as unique key.


This middleware adds a header x-do-not-track with the value 1 in the request.

client:enable 'DoNotTrack'


This middleware registers a logger in env.sporex.logger for use by others middlewares.

This middleware requires LuaLogging.

require 'logging.file'

client:enable('Logging', {
    logger = logging.file 'test%s.log'


This middleware allows to register a set of couple (condition, response).

rules = {
    function (req) return req.method == 'HEAD' end,
    function (req) return { status = 404 } end,

    'pattern_in_url', -- shortcut for: function (req) return req.url:match 'pattern_in_url' end
    function (req) return { status = 401 } end,
client:enable('Mock', rules)


This middleware handles the header location in the response.

client:enable 'Redirection'


This middleware adds a header x-spore-runtime (unit is seconds) in the response.

client:enable 'Runtime'


This middleware overloads the header useragent in the request.

client:enable('UserAgent', {
    useragent = 'Mozilla/5.0'