

The directory test_lua contains the following files:

  • *.t : test files written in Lua
  • test_assertion.lua : a minimal TAP library used when Test.Assertion is not available
  • profile*.lua : a set of predefined profile files, profile.lua is loaded by default.
  • Makefile : an helper

Running the whole test suite

As tests produce a TAP output, a TAP consumer like prove is required (prove comes with any Perl distribution, usually on GNU/Linux, prove is already installed).

$ cd test_lua

$ prove --exec "SOMEWHERE/bin/lua -l profile_lua53" *.t

$ prove --exec "SOMEWHERE/bin/lua -l profile_lua53_noconv" *.t

$ prove --exec "SOMEWHERE/bin/luajit -l profile_luajit20" *.t

$ prove --exec "SOMEWHERE/bin/luajit -l profile_luajit21_compat52" *.t

Note: some tests using luac expect that the interpreter is named lua, there fail when using something like lua5.1.

Running a test

Without prove, the test launched by lua gives the TAP output.

$ cd test_lua
$ lua 090-tap.t
ok 1 - ok
ok 2 - 42 == 42
ok 3 - pass


The features included (ie. compiled) in a Lua interpreter could be selected via this file

local profile = {

--[[ compat 5.0
    has_string_gfind = true,
    has_math_mod = true,

    compat51 = true,
    has_unpack = true,
    has_package_loaders = true,
    has_math_log10 = true,
    has_loadstring = true,
    has_table_maxn = true,
    has_module = true,
    has_package_seeall = true,

    compat52 = true,
    has_mathx = true,
    has_bit32 = true,
    has_metamethod_ipairs = true,

    compat53 = false,
    has_math_log10 = true,
    has_mathx = true,
    has_metamethod_ipairs = true,

--[[ luajit
    luajit_compat52 = true,
    openresty = false,


package.loaded.profile = profile        -- prevents loading of default profile

return profile