
Mock Object

mock allows to override a method of an object.

unmock allows to restore the initial (ie. class) behavior of a mocked object.

require 'Coat'

class 'Rectangle'
has.x               = { is = 'rw', isa = 'number', required = true }
has.y               = { is = 'rw', isa = 'number', required = true }

function method:getArea ()
    return self.x * self.y

require 'Rectangle'

r = Rectangle{ x = 2, y = 4 }

r:mock('getArea', function () return 42 end)

r:unmock 'getArea'

Mock Class

Create mock class could be simply done with override. All instances (already created and future) are altered. It is not possible to restore the initial behavior.

The 3 following syntax are equivalent :

require 'Rectangle'

function Rectangle.override:getArea ()
    return 42
require 'Rectangle'

Coat.override(Rectangle, 'getArea', function () return 42 end)
require 'Rectangle'

r = Rectangle{ x = 2, y = 4 }

function r.override:getArea ()
    return 42